group of volunteers

For Community Leaders

Child care is more than just a service; it's a foundational pillar for community growth and development.

Why Child Care Works

At its core, child care provides a safe, nurturing environment where children can learn, play, and grow. This early exposure to structured learning and social interactions lays the groundwork for future academic and social success.

In Oregon, where the vast majority of counties are child care deserts, the need for effective child care is felt deeply. When children have access to quality care, they're introduced to a world of exploration and discovery—cognitive, motor, and social skills are honed, preparing them for the challenges and opportunities of formal schooling.

Additionally, child care acts as a support system for families. Parents can pursue their careers and passions, knowing their children are in capable hands. This dual benefit—advancing children's development while supporting parents—creates a positive feedback loop. As parents thrive, they can provide better opportunities for their children, and as children flourish, they grow into well-rounded individuals who contribute positively to Oregon’s future.

Studies show that investments in early childhood education result in higher wages later in life, increased tax revenue, and more effective public schools. Children from lower-income families who have access to high-quality care are less likely to be held back a grade or referred to special education. For the community, it means a more educated workforce, reduced crime, and a brighter future for all.

As is evident, child care doesn’t just matter—it works. Every dollar, every resource, and every moment dedicated to child care today translates to a more educated, empathetic, and empowered generation tomorrow. In fact, for every single dollar invested in improving access to affordable, quality child care, we see a consistent $16 return on investment for our communities.

children playing with wooden toys

Child Care Impacts Everyone

Though it may seem an ancillary consideration to some, child care is the backbone of our community. When families can't find or afford care, it ripples through our economy. U.S. businesses lose $3 billion annually due to child care-related absenteeism. In just three months, 29% of employed parents reported disruptions due to child care breakdowns. You have the power to champion a system that supports families, boosts our economy, and nurtures our next generation.

Other Benefits of Effective Child Care

Economic Boost

Child care services create jobs and support local economies. Parents' ability to work consistently boosts productivity and contributes to economic growth for the community.

Early Detection of Special Needs

Professionals in child care settings can identify developmental delays or special needs early on, ensuring timely intervention and accommodations.

Routine and Structure

Regular schedules and routines in child care settings help children understand the importance of time management and discipline.

Nutrition and Physical Activity

Many child care centers provide balanced meals and regular physical activities, promoting healthy habits from a young age.

Peer Interaction

Regular interaction with peers helps children develop essential social skills like sharing, communication, and conflict resolution.

Parental Well-Being

Reliable child care offers parents peace of mind, reducing stress and allowing them to focus on their professional and personal growth.

Cultural and Social Exposure

Children in diverse child care settings learn about different cultures, traditions, and values, promoting inclusivity and acceptance.

Safety and Security

Regulated child care facilities adhere to strict safety standards, ensuring children are in a secure environment.

Preparation for Schooling

Child care settings introduce children to a structured learning environment, smoothening the transition to formal schooling.

Community Building

Child care centers often become community hubs, fostering connections between families and creating a sense of communal belonging.

smiling toddler learning to walk

How You Can Make an Impact

Starting conversations is the first step towards change. As a community leader, you can  raise awareness about the importance of child care, its challenges, and its broader impact on society,  fostering a community that values and supports its families and youngest members.

Child care can cost as much per year to the average family as sending their children to public university—making quality care financially unfeasible to many families. That doesn’t have to be the case; you can make a difference! Engage local businesses, schools, and organizations in these discussions, creating a unified front that prioritizes the well-being and development of our children.

Your influence is pivotal in reshaping the child care landscape in Oregon.

For Community Leaders

For Small Businesses

For HR Personnel

For Educators

For Elected Officials

For Employers